Download mBlock

One-stop coding platform tailored to coding education,
trusted by 15 million educators, and learners

mBlock web version

mBlock web version

Chrome browser recommended >>

Support Windows/Mac/Linux/Chromebook

mBlock PC version

mBlock PC version

Version: V5.4.3 Released: 2023.11.01

Released log >> Previous version >>

mBlock mobile app

mBlock mobile app

Learn coding in phones and tablets


Android 6.0 +
(ARM-based devices only. X86 Android not supported)


iOS 10.0 +

Other mBlock software

mLink - mBlock web version driver

mLink for Windows

Win7 or Win10 (64-bit recommended)

mLink for Mac

macOS 10.12+

mLink for Chromebook

Supports using on Chromebook

mBlock 3 (Stop updating)

Previous version >>
mBlock 3 for Windows

Win7 +

Win XP

mBlock 3 for Mac

No longer work on macOS Catalina 10.15 and above

mBlock 3 for Chromebook

mBlock 3 web version

Will no longer be available from December 31, 2020. why? >>

Download mBlock app

Download Android Download iOS

mBlock web version

Please open mBlock web version on your computer for better coding experience.

mBlock desktop version

Please download mBlock PC version on your computer for better coding experience.